From Hope, With Love.
We've been filming our Kickstarter video this week with our newest intern from the Hope School for the Deaf, Love. Love is SOOO beautiful and when we met she had the biggest smile! I want to learn sign language just to communicate with her!
I threw her in a wrap skirt immediately, and I can't wait til she learns how to sew them.
While we were filming, her translator and school principle Mr. Worlobah was signing to her. A boy on the street asked if she was 'bobo.' I snatched my head around and told him 'no she is not dumb, she is deaf, and that's not nearly the same.' He said okay and we continued to shoot.
In Liberia, we have a lot of educating to do. It wasn't that he thought he was being offensive, more that he doesn't know better. He responded like most in Liberia do to meeting a deaf girl. In Liberia, the only work for a person with a handicap is to beg. We are fixing that from The Bombchel Factory.
With Love.